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The Criminal Justice Reform Plans of 2020: And Why Kamala Harris’ is the Best

3 min readOct 20, 2019


Since 2016 ending mass incarceration has become a central policy discussion for Democratic Party politicians. If I could create an ideal CJR plan it would build on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 plan that addressed the school to prison pipeline, prioritized rehabilitation for drug offenses, ending private prisons and mandatory minimums, implementing implicit bias training for police, body cams, and judicial department involvement for police shootings and civil rights cases.

I would also add incarcerated voting, unlimited menstrual products, guarantees that trans prisoners be held in the correct prison, a priority for prisoners to be held near their children (especially mothers), nurseries in minimum security prisons, ending solitary confinement, ending shackling pregnant prisoners, and a priority on examining the connection between domestic violence and the rise in incarcerating women. I would also want to end cash bail, employ clemency for marijuana convictions, end prison gerrymandering, and make a clear plan to move towards a restorative justice framework when possible. Additionally CJR plans could address the treatment of rape victims and the large amount of untested rape kits.

Now for the 2020 plans! While Booker, Harris, and Warren were sponsors of the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act…




PhD in American legal history, freelance writer, political activist, follow me on twitter @QueenMab87